Thursday, October 30, 2008
Carter is doing great!
It is hard to believe Carter is over 5 months old. Less than one month and everything will be final! We had our last meeting last night with our SW. Carter is growing so quickly. He is such a happy sweet baby! We are so blessed to have such a wonderal little gift from God. I hope everyone is doing great. I am sorry it has been a while since I last posted. Here are some new pictures of our little guy.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Carter's sister now is 13!!!
I can not believe Lindsey has had her 13th B-Day! How time flies! I remember when Lindsey was Carter's size and it seems just like yesterday!! I am trying to take just a day at a time with Carter and enjoying every moment with him! I know in a blink of a eye he will be Lindsey's age off running around with his friends and not having much time for his old mom!! He is growing so quickly! He is able to grab objects such as his pacifier and put it in his mouth! He loves playing in his exersaucer and bounce seat! Even though he is teething he is being such a happy baby! He is always smiling and laughing! I love my little man! He is my Heart and Soul!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Were Did August Go?
I fell as though I blinked my eyes and August was gone!! Carter is doing great. Our little man is already teething and growing like a weed. He is my heart and soul. Carter is truly a happy baby boy that is bringing us all such joy!
As you know I have been so lucky to be able to stay at home with Carter and I have to say I am enjoying every minute! What you may not know is that I have started my own On line Store!! It is called M&M Gift Market and I have over 5000 name brand products. I also have a new blog called M&M Designer Boutique... Check them both out.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
What A Smile!!
I can not say that I have ever seen a baby with such a big smile at such a young age!! The doctor says he is advanced. He has been smiling since he was about 3 1/2 weeks. He has complete control over his head, he is able to focus on people and objects. He follows voices and has begun to laugh!! All has taken place less than 6 weeks old! When I first told some of my clients about this they said" this I have to see for myself". They could not believe what I was telling them. So when they saw him they were indeed shocked. They told me I was not just a proud Momma!! Carter is such a amazing little angel! So everyone this is a baby at just 5 weeks smiling!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Carter is One Month Old!
It is so hard to believe it has been one month since Carter was born! The time has truly flown by to quickly!! I can not express the joy this little man has brought to us!! We took him to the doctor today and he was 8 pounds 13 ounces and is 20 1/2 inches!! I can not get over just how much is has grown! Also the doctor said that he is advanced for his age!!! He is already smiling and holding his head up!! I can not lie and am a proud mommy!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Carter's First Bath!
Carter's first bath was just like I had imagined it would be! He did not like it at all! Our boy really has a set of lungs on him! I talked mom into giving him his bath. I did not want to be the big mean mom! We could not get him in his towel fast enough! But look how cute he is after in his Frog towel!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
First Doctors Appointment!
I can not believe how fast our little man is growing!! Carter weighs 7 pounds 7 oz and is 19 inches long! The doctor said he is absolutely perfect! No shots were given today but we will return in two weeks for his hepatitis shot. Then we go back for the rest of the shots. I have to say I wish I could come up with a reason for Adam to have to take him for those appointments. I am not looking forward at all having to watch him get all of those shots.
We also took a trip today up to my salon! It was the first time all of my friends up at work has seen him. They all fell in love with our little man. He was a perfect angel. They are already talking about putting highlights in his hair!!LOL!! Carter is going to be so spoiled, so many people already in his life that already want only the best for him.
This weekend is my first baby shower! My friends are going to have it here at my home so we do not have to drag Carter out of the house. Also I have to say it will be nice not to have to lug all of the stuff back home. I am looking forward to the family meeting Carter!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
For Carter
Courtney and her family once again has brought me to tears!! There is no doubt in my mind they have unconditional love for Carter!! Courtney my be young, yet each time we see one another she shows me how mature, loving, and selfless she is! I do not know how we were so blessed to have been chosen by such a amazing young girl to raise her son! I want to share with you all just one of the many ways she continues to show us all just how truly amazing and selfless she just is! So go ahead and grab some tissues. If you are anything like me you will need several!
To hear the music that goes with for Carter you will have to stop the music already playing at the bottom of the page by pausing!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We are in Florida!
We are in Florida waiting out the last few days! I will be so happy when these 10 days have finally passed !! I am ready to be back home to begin trying to get some kind of a routine down. I still can not believe I have been blessed with such a beautiful miracle. Carter is everything that we had been praying for and more! We have all fallen head over heals in love with this little man. It is safe to say Carter has us all wrapped around his little finger! Lindsey has been such a huge helper! Cleaning and making bottles, changing diapers, and really being there with out us even asking. She is so happy about our new addition to our family!
We will be leaving Destn on Saturday. We plain to go back to GA and meeting Courtney and her dad for lunch before returning home. We are so excited that we will be able to see them once again before returning home. We are already making plans for the next time we will get to see them. We all are looking forward to being able to introduce our little Carter to each and every one of you. We miss you all!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I can not still believe it we have our son! We received the call at 4:38 a.m. on Sunday May 18, 2008. When the phone rang I sat straight up and said "Oh ...... Adam get up our baby is coming"!! Then I answered the phone. Marissa said Courtney is in labor!! She is 4 cm and is staying in the hospital. The next thing we know I am running around like a mad women. I am glad no one could see me!LOL!! I was running in and out of my closet saying what do I do what do I do ! I do not know What to do!! Then I remember throwing my clothes out of my closet! Then yelling at Adam because he was just lying in bed staring at me! He kept on saying now baby lets sit down and breath and thank through what we are doing!! I am telling you at that moment I really wanted to put my hands around his throat and squeeze.
Finally we were on the road at 7:18 in the morning! We got another call Marissa at around 8 saying she was 7 cm and that Jack Ass of a doctor will not give Courtney epidural because she did not take a class on it! What the Hell! I swear only if I would have been there. I was at doctors appointment and at no point were we told anything about a class or no epidural! I am wondering if he was just trying to teach her some lesson! ASS!!!! Marissa said in all of her years she has never head of such!
So 9:12 central time our son is born!! Marissa called and held the phone up so we were able to hear our little man. What lungs on him! The next 7 hours were honestly the longest drive of my life. Carter Andrew Burbules weighed 6 pounds 4 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. Dark brown hair, blue gray eyes just perfect in every way!!
We were able to be there with Courtney and her family! I love her dad and mama Dot. They are amazing. I feel so lucky not only do we have a beautiful boy but we have gained a new extended family! The hospital staff were great they put us in a private suit and we were allowed to keep him in our room with overnight. He did great I had to wake him up to feed and change him! I have fallen head over heals in love with him! I love him just as though I carried him for 9 months.
Monday May 19, 2008 she signed her TPR papers then we signed our placement papers! She has 10 days from May 20 to change her mind. I do not see her changing her mind she really wants the best for her baby and she feels like we are what is best for him!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Back Home from GA!!
We are home and it could not have gone any better!! I love Courtney we truly are blessed! She is a very pretty, strong, smart, amazing, loving, kind, generous, fun, young lady! From the first time I saw her when she got out of the car I really felt like we bonded. We all hugged and it was not forced! We still did not get a due date we know though she is at least 35 weeks! I am thinking he will come a lot sooner though! I just have this feeling! I do not like her doctor at all! I called Marissa today about seeing about getting her a new doctor. Marissa says he is the best in town that takes her insurance. If he is the best I would hate to meet the rest in town. I just do not trust him. If I could he my way I would have her to a specialist! I just want to make sure Courtney is taken care of. I feel so helpless up here not that I know what I could do if I was down there any way. It killed me driving away from her. I just pray she knows that Adam and I truly care about her. I truly want the best for her and not just because she is caring our baby. She could change her mind and I would be crushed o.k. divested. I would live. If she decides to keep her baby we would not be mad or hateful we just want what she wants. she is going though a difficult time in her life. I want it to be as easy as possible. My hopes is that she will heal quickly since she will be able to see him when ever she wants!! Oh, have said it is a BOY!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
On The Road To GA!!!
We get to meet!!!! I am so excited to meet Courtney and her Dad! I hear her dad is so funny and they both like to talk! I really have a good feeling about this situation! I have been praying for a long time for the Birth mother of my baby! I wanted her to have a supportive family and praying that they would want a open adoption. It looks like that is what we are going to be able to get! It will be a long drive down but it will be worth every minute in the car!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
We Have been Chosen!!!
I was dead a sleep when I was woken up by Jane!!! I have to say as long as I am alive I will never forget this moment!!! She thought I was Lindsey when I answered the phone!! I sound so young! LOL!! Then she said we have some great news for you "your family has been chosen by Courtney"! I ran down stairs and text Adam while she was giving me all the information. Such as family history, her hobbies, and what her and the dad look like! I AM SOSOSOSOSOSOSO excited! This could really be it!! After I got off the phone w/ Jane I called her SW Marissa. She seems like a wonderful person. I wanted to contact her and find out more information. I was extremely relieved to find out that Marissa and An Open Door will be there for Cournety after the birth. Marissa said she looks like she is pretty far into her pregnancy! She will be going to her first doctors appointment on Monday we will know more then. I am hoping to hear back from Marissa here soon we really want to hopefully meet with them this weekend! I much rather meet them in person instead of doing a conference call! I want her and her dad to have peace of mind with the decision they have made. I can believe this is happening! I feel as though I am dreaming! I am going to have a BABY!! May 6.2008 a day never to forget!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Great News!
Adam called me early this morning to let me know that he has promoted to VP!!!!!! I could not be any prouder of my husband!! He has work hard to get were he is in his career!! Maybe God is beginning to reveal his perfect plan for our family! We are going out to celebrate !
Thursday, May 1, 2008
WE Are Being Shown!!!
I really do not have much information on the situation except we are being shown and the young girl is 16. Jane said her dad is the one who contacted Open Door and is very supportive of his daughter! Also birth mother's SW has told Jane that she is a really pretty girl and she is very sweet!! I am sosososo excited that we are already being shown again! Also I am thankful that this young birth mothers family is supportive of her! I hope if we are chosen and they will want more of a open adoption! I do not know how every one feels about this, but can you ever have to many people to love a baby? I say no! Like we love to say " it takes a village" !! I will be on pins and needles I know all weekend! I know in my heart God has a plan. Our child will be born in the perfect season for us!! If this is not our child it just was not the one for our family. I really here the past few weeks truly feel it is right around the corner for us!! I need to just relax and know I have no control of the situation.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Not Chosen!
We found out yesterday that the young girl did not chose us! I was a little disappointed, however I know in my heart that just was not our baby! I am very encouraged by our new agency!! Even though we found out that baby was not ours Jane told me their was a young girl that would be seeing our profile yesterday along with two others! I am hopeful that we will receive good news here very soon! Just to know our book has been shown twice now in less then 3 weeks is great! When you consider our profile has not been seen even one time with the other agency in almost 6 months this is really really great! So I have hope! We have hope for our little angel to be with us before we know it! Your never know we could have our call today that out little angel is being born! I have to say I do not know how I will handle the call! I believe we are ready, but how do we really now for sure! I hope I can remain claim and not completely freak!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Eagerly Awaiting Call!
It is Sunday night and we should be hearing somthing from Jane tomorrow about if we are still being considered for J's baby boy! I have to say my nerves are so shot! I now that if this is the baby we are meant to have as our little boy it will happen. I am still happy knowing that our profile is being shown. I would not be honest if I was to say we were not going to be dissapointed if we are not chosen. At the same time I really feel at peace! I know in heart are baby is coming and our child will be in our arms very soon!
Monday, April 14, 2008
A Call From Jane
It is so exciting to get a call from my new social worker! She is always so sweet and always has such kind and encouraging words! This call was extra special, Jane said she could not leave work until she called me to let me know that our profile had been shown today to a young girl expecting a boy in July!! It is the first time our profile has been shown. I was just happy to know that they were showing our profile!! Then Jane told me that she had taken our profile home along with one other couples! How exciting! I am doing my best not to get overly excited or my hopes up! I know in my heart if this is what God wants for us, this little baby boy, it will happen!! Right know My thoughts and prayers are with this young girl, that God will feel heart with peace, and guide her to the right family! This young girl is doing such an amazing selfless act of love for her unborn child. We have not yet spoken and I know very little about her but somehow I already respect and admire her. Even if it is not us that she picks I will be praying for her and her family!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Baby Burbules's Nursery!!
I have had so much fun picking out everything for the nursery! Now that I am more or less done with the nursery I am so ready for our little angle. It looks like I am going to have to pick out a new project to take on! Lately the waiting has been difficult for me. I am sure that I am not the only one that has a hard time with the long wait! I am just ready!!! I pray that word comes soon! I am ready for the call that will change our life forever! Our amazing gift from God! Our baby!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Working With Two Agencies!!!
The other night as I am doing some research on adoption I came across a small agency in GA. On their site it read UGENT Caucasian families needed! I called the next day and spoke with Jane Gilbert. She told me they had adopted 8 babies last month and it had caused there pool of families to dry up!! Only 3 families left in the pool! She said they would wave their up front fees! So I contacted Bethany and they said that they are a highly respect agency! Denise with Bethany sent Jane my file as of today she has my profiles!! We are ready to be shown! It will be nice just to know our profile has been shown! In the 5 months of being with Bethany our profile has yet to be shown!!! It is so exciting to think we could have a little one any day now!!!
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