I can not believe how fast our little man is growing!! Carter weighs 7 pounds 7 oz and is 19 inches long! The doctor said he is absolutely perfect! No shots were given today but we will return in two weeks for his hepatitis shot. Then we go back for the rest of the shots. I have to say I wish I could come up with a reason for Adam to have to take him for those appointments. I am not looking forward at all having to watch him get all of those shots.
We also took a trip today up to my salon! It was the first time all of my friends up at work has seen him. They all fell in love with our little man. He was a perfect angel. They are already talking about putting highlights in his hair!!LOL!! Carter is going to be so spoiled, so many people already in his life that already want only the best for him.
This weekend is my first baby shower! My friends are going to have it here at my home so we do not have to drag Carter out of the house. Also I have to say it will be nice not to have to lug all of the stuff back home. I am looking forward to the family meeting Carter!